2025 Linda L. Lester Scholarship Application If you are human, leave this field blank.2025 Linda L. Lester Scholarship ApplicationName Home Address City, State, ZipTelephoneEmailSexMailing Address, if different from aboveCity, State, ZipDate of BirthPlace of BirthMarital StatusSingleMarriedSeparated/DivorcedWidowedName of SpouseName of ParentsParents' Address, if different from Home AddressOccupation of Parents/SpouseHigh School/College now attendingList the colleges you applied to if you are not presently attendingList extracurricular high school/college activitiesList any academic honor or scholarships you received in high school/collegeFor what business or profession are you preparing?Do you have experience in the agricultural industry? If yes, describe brieflyAre you presently employed? If so, give name and address of employer, hours work per week and brief description of duties:Do you expect to work during the coming summer vacation? If so, supply information as to such expected employment:If married, is your spouse employed? If so, annual earnings:Please state below you annual anticipated income and expenses for coming school year. Be specific on all items. Additional data may be attached.ExpensesTuition/FeesRoom & BoardBooks & SuppliesSocial (Frat.,Sor.,etc.)Car PaymentCar InsurancePersonal Debt Payments (Specify)Misc. Expenses (Specify)IncomeEarnings: SummerBetween QuartersDuring School YearTotal EarningsSpouse's EarningsAid from FamilyG.I. BillLoans (Specify)Scholarships (By Name and Amount)Aid from Other Sources (Specify)Please state below (or attached) in letter form why you are applying for this scholarship. Cover both financial need and academic promise.High Resolution PhotoOther File Uploads*Please remember to mail two letters of recomendation in a sealed envelope to the Farm Bureau*Captcha *Submit